
The name 网赌的十大网站 points to the future. It is a reflection of the growing range of 项目 offered at RWU's Providence campus – beyond those aimed at adult learners. It signals that we are not just about degree completion but about providing entry points to students and families from all walks of life.

Our overarching goal is to meet students where they are – at whatever age, whatever the demands and challenges of their careers and family lives.

The name draws on RWU’s history, echoing a named used by the Providence campus between 1994 and 2004. It also draws on the rich history of institutions throughout the world that use the name 网赌的十大网站 for portions of larger universities providing post-第二个ary 教育.

网赌的十大网站 ensures that the public purposes of 教育 are realized and that all learners and 社区 are supported with pathways, 项目, 支持, and services that meet their 教育al needs.  

网赌的十大网站, 简称UC, is designed to allow adult learners to have the contextualized 项目 that honor their personal and professional experiences – while at the same time providing first-time students opportunities to explore courses that are culturally relevant and engaging.

It's designed for teenagers looking to get ahead or young adults looking to catch up. All of our first-time college students jump right into being a difference maker in their 社区.

UC is designed for people looking to gain workforce skills and onboard to a career; for men and women who have experienced barriers to pursuing their purpose. For industry and community-based organizations who are looking to build the skills, 知识, and competencies for their workforce and changing demands of their fields. 

UC is not just geared toward one type of student. 我们的眼光是面向整个社会的.

We remove barriers to ensure no student or family is blocked from an 教育 for reasons of preparation, 可购性, 或者时间限制.

We provide opportunities so that students on their first, 第二个, 第三, or fourth chance can reach their potential.

我们是一个思想伙伴和领导者, 努力解决问题, 创新, 破坏, and build new systems that create a positive and measurable impact for families, 社区, 和国家.

我们提供的课程, 我们的支持系统, 我们的学术模式, and our internal and external partners are all carefully chosen to fit the collective good.




For first-time college students looking to start exploring higher 教育 - whether you're still in high school, 最近高中毕业, 已经出去几年了吗, or left without a degree - this is your starting point.




The School of Professional and 继续研究 offers hyper-flexible 项目 focused on degree completers, career changers and adult students looking to start or continue their 教育.



Center for Workforce and Professional Development

劳动力中心 & Professional Development focuses on providing students with the professional and skills 培训 needed to meet the demands of today's job market. The center works with partners across industries such as cybersecurity, 应急响应, 生产, 市场营销, 教育, 和更多的.

探索职业发展 & 培训



通过我们的战略合作伙伴, we interface with the public and its leaders to identify and implement 项目 that benefit the university and the larger community. 

探索我们的学院 & 合作伙伴



UC is not just about helping students get their degrees but also about building their skills and providing support and fun along the way.
