
校友关系办公室与该公司合作 PCI 创建罗杰·威廉姆斯口述历史项目. PCI works with our office helping to collect stories from our alumni to memorialize the history of the campus experience through the years from when Roger was a College or now, 帮助建立罗杰·威廉姆斯口述历史项目. 你参与这个项目是免费的.

PCI与许多大大小小的机构合作,如克拉克森和德克萨斯理工大学. This is a 12-month project to collect stories and updates from our alumni that we will be able to share with you and your classmates.  

在春天和夏天, 请密切关注我们办公室和PCI联合发布的明信片和电子邮件. We can’t wait to share the outcome with you when the Roger Williams Oral History Book is complete.  





I received an email/postcard/phone call from a company asking for my personal information and a story about my time at Roger Williams. 这是一个合法的项目,还是一个骗局?

We have partnered with PCI (also known as Publishing Concepts) to produce an Oral History Publication for the 罗杰·威廉姆斯校友 Association (RWUAA). PCI是一家位于达拉斯的公司, 为教育机构出版目录的TX, 兄弟会, 全国各地的姐妹会和军事组织. This project allows the RWUAA to hear about your personal experiences and explain how it and Roger Williams has helped shape your lives.



  1. 遗产-保存学校的口述历史.
  2. 最新信息-使我们能够有效地与校友沟通和参与.
  3. 收入-为校友项目产生会员收入.
  4. 骄傲-穿着服装表示对我们罗杰的支持和爱.


这个项目是 你不需要花钱. 然而,你将有机会通过PCI购买罗杰威廉姆斯品牌的商品. Merchandise packages vary in size and you can also purchase the printed version of the Roger Williams Oral History Project when completed in Spring of 2024.


1. 基本- 169美元.98 + S&H包括: 
Printed Hardbound Oral History Publication including photos and stories Digital Publication (features links to audio clips of others’ stories) (both options include audio of personal story)

2. 价值259美元.98+S&H包括:
Printed Hardbound Oral History Publication including photos and stories Digital Publication (features links to audio clips of others’ stories) (both options include audio of personal story)

3. 骄傲349美元.98+S&H包括:
Printed Hardbound Oral History Publication including photos and stories Digital Publication (features links to audio clips of others’ stories) Audio of personal story 运动衫 and T-shirt (high quality with printed logo)

4. 忠诚449美元.98+S&H包括:

Printed Hardbound Oral History Publication including photos and stories Digital Publication (features links to audio clips of others’ stories) Audio of personal story 运动衫 and T-shirt (high quality with printed logo) Weekender Bag (with embroidered logo)


周末包绣客户标志$139.98 +S&H
运动衫 & t恤高品质印有标志$89.98 +S&H



    1. The names, addresses and information provided to PCI by the RWUAA for the publication of the Oral History Publication will be held confidential by PCI, 除了在某种程度上它们被用于, 或在准备中, 口述历史出版物,法院命令或法律规定的除外.
    2. 口述历史出版物将只提供给校友罗杰·威廉姆斯. 项目完成后, PCI will return to the RWUAA any and all electronic files that have been supplied by the RWUAA or produced by PCI in connection with the production of the Oral History Publication.

    我想更新我的信息并分享一个故事. 我该怎么做呢?

    如果你收到了一张明信片或一封带有电话号码的电子邮件, you may call the number to speak with a dedicated representative for the Oral History Publication. 代表将为您核实我们存档的所有信息, 在需要的地方进行任何更新, 然后请你分享一下你在罗杰·威廉姆斯的经历. 你的故事将被记录下来, 以及在项目结束时提供给RWUAA的声音片段.

    如果您收到一封带有嵌入式链接的电子邮件, 你可以去在线网站查看你的信息并提交一篇文章.如果您有任何疑问,您可以拨打PCI的客户服务台1-800-982-1590.



    我分享了一个故事,代表说我可以发一些照片. 我该怎么做呢?


    如果你也买了一本书,但没有电子邮件地址的文件, you will be sent a photo mailer to send physical photos in to be printed (note: photos will be returned if you include a self-addressed, 邮资信封).


    You will receive an email prior to publication with a link to review your transcribed story and make any edits.

    如果我分享一个故事,我必须提供照片吗? 如果我想要一张照片,我必须分享一个故事吗?

    你想分享多少就分享多少. 有些人只想分享一个故事,有些人只想分享一张照片和文字说明.




    当你打电话更新你的信息时, 你可以告诉代理人你希望排除哪些信息. You may also communicate this information to the PCI customer service desk at 1-800-982-1590 or to the RWUAA at alumni@gk-travel.com.

    我在电话里订购了一本书/包裹,我想取消我的订单. 我该怎么做呢?

    Call the PCI customer service help desk at 1-800-982-1590 or email customerservice@publishingconcepts.来吧,他们会帮你处理的.

    罗杰·威廉姆斯口述历史项目是一个为期12个月的收集校友故事的项目, 将它们存档在一个数字档案纪念册中.


    每个鹰都有一个故事,罗杰·威廉姆斯校友关系办公室想听听你的故事. However, 拥有数千名在世校友, 要花无数个小时才能联系到你们. That’s why we’ve decided to embark on a new project called Roger Williams Oral History Project to collect the stories of alumni like you in your own words. 我们将保存这些故事,并与大家分享.


    作为这个项目的一部分,我们想确保你能和罗杰·威廉姆斯保持联系. PCI will help us collect updated contact information from those of you who may have moved and inadvertently lost touch with us.



    • 是否有一位特别的老师或工作人员对你的生活产生了深远的影响?
    • 你在罗杰找到你在霍克的爱人了吗?
    • 你能把你的职业道路追溯到我们母校的一个决定性时刻吗?
    • 你在校园里或布里斯托尔最喜欢的地方是什么?
    • 你在校园里建立的关系变成了一生的友谊吗?
    • 你在校园里经历过什么历史时刻吗(例如:罗杰从学院转到大学的时候)?
    • 你家里还有其他成员参加罗杰的活动吗?
    • 你参加过某个俱乐部/组织/运动吗?


    以我们有限的资源,我们不可能完成这样一个项目. 通过与 PCI, 我们可以接触到他们训练有素的, 活生生的人,他们会很兴奋地听你分享. PCI helps collect and assemble the stories into the Roger Williams Oral History book that we can share with you. **Please note, we have only shared your contact information with PCI in conjunction with this project. 我们没有出售您的联系信息,或以其他方式用于外部营销目的.


    No. 这个项目正在做在没有成本,我们的校友. The finished product will allow you the opportunity to purchase the Roger Williams Oral History Book that will be produced at the end of the project. 将提供各种图书包装. 没有义务去买书. Again, we’d never be able to embark on a project like this without the support of our amazing alumni and the partnership with PCI. 我们真诚地感谢每一位参与并选择购买这本书的人.


    Soon you will be receiving email and postcard communications from the PCI team with instructions on how to participate. We’d like to invite you to share one of your stories with us and take part in this first of its kind project to honor the experiences and voices of our alumni. 我们很高兴听到你们每一个人关于你们对罗杰·威廉姆斯的回忆!


    看看你将收到的明信片和电子邮件的例子. 它们是校友关系办公室的官方明信片和电子邮件, 由我们的合作伙伴PCI分发. 一旦收到明信片和/或, please follow the instructions to update your information and set up an interview time to share your memories of your time at Roger Williams.