愿景 & 值

罗杰威廉姆斯 University prepares our students to be successful leaders and innovators in today’s rapidly changing world. 我们对原创研究的独特关注, 参与学习, 还有实习, practicums and clinical learning opportunities provides our students with real-world experiences, 在校内外, 这使他们能够为职业和工作做好准备, to succeed immediately and continue to advance throughout their careers. 我们将我们的核心价值观和使命融入RWU的各个方面, we will continue to discover opportunities for interdisciplinary connections and innovative ideas that synthesize into collective action that will launch our considerable strengths in exciting, 新方向. We are poised to make RWU an even more distinctive, resilient and enduring institution.

核心价值观, 最初成立于2014年的愿景项目期间, 在2019年通过愿景工作组重申, the creation of our first Equity Action Plan and the ongoing academic master planning underway now. 在我们规划未来的道路时, 我们从我们的名字中汲取灵感, 激进而有远见的17世纪领袖, 罗杰威廉姆斯, who founded Providence and Rhode Island on his beliefs in freedom of conscience, 平等与宽容. His legacy inspires, informs and guides the ideals to which RWU dedicates our mission and purpose.

我们的战略行动计划策略性地嵌入了我们的核心目标- to strengthen society through engaged teaching, learning and research -融入我们的机构使命和基础设施.


在我们的战略规划过程中, our 愿景 Working Groups reaffirmed and clarified the university's six core values. These core values will help us to achieve our institutional mission – To build the university the world needs now.


  • We will meet the educational needs of a diverse multigenerational community of learners. 
  • We will work with local and global communities to address problems that matter most to society.
  • We will provide transformative educational experiences to all students to fulfill their potential as lifelong learners, 专业人士和市民.
  • We will create a community in which diversity is visible in its population and culture and by implementing explicit institution-wide practices that advance equity and belonging.
  • 我们将致力于持续的教育合作, 调查, and implementation of sustainable practices which enhance human and environmental well-being on our campuses and within our communities.
  • We will be financially accessible to all who aspire to a 罗杰威廉姆斯 University education.

以我们的核心价值观和使命为指导, distinct priorities emerged that will serve as strategic direction for our course of action for creating the highest level of excellence for 罗杰威廉姆斯 University. In this next phase, we are harnessing our collective energy around these areas:






我们大学的核心价值观贯穿于这些战略领域, 创造了他们赖以生存的基础和灵感. Deepening our commitment to academic excellence and 参与学习 will enable RWU to provide a transformative, experiential and engaged education that is centered around research experience, hands-on learning and community-engaged opportunities for all our students and throughout their years with us. In continuing to build our focus on student success and employee experience, 我们将确保我们所有的学生, alumni and employees feel a sense of belonging and grow as a thriving, 包容和公平的社区. And it is with a spirit of innovation and abiding respect for our communities and our land, that we strive to develop sustainable futures through the responsible stewardship of our people and resources, 这样做的时候, cultivate an enduring institution and sustainable legacy for 罗杰威廉姆斯 University.

As we design our initiatives and direct our purpose toward these institutional priorities, this will be a time to imagine our dreams and hopes for the future of 罗杰威廉姆斯 – and to move our dreams into action.